How To Balance Your Hormones With Yoga

You may get curious about hormonal health when you start to wonder about fertility, menstrual cycle balance, menopause, or when there is an imbalance causing disease or dis-regulation. Did you know that among reproductive function, the hormonal system is also responsible for:

  • Growth

  • Maturation

  • Stress response

  • Sleep cycles

  • Mood

  • Immunity

  • Sexual development

  • Tissue function

  • Metabolism

All of the functionings of the mind and body above are regulated by the system that works 24/7 in our bodies called the Endocrine System. The Endocrine System is made up of hormone secreting glands including the adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, and ovaries or testes.

How do hormone’s work?

Hormones are chemical messengers secreted into the bloodstream by endocrine glands. Hormones modify cells, tissues, and organs and adjust the body's metabolic operations depending on what is available and what the body needs. Perhaps you’ve heard of the metabolic and cardiovascular imbalances that can come with too much or too little hormones secreted by the thyroid glands, for example, leading to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. When these glands are not functioning properly, hormone imbalances are created that can affect physical and psychological health.

What does hormonal imbalance look like?

When one gland is out of balance, it affects all other glands in the Endocrine System. Since there is only a limited amount of energy for the Endocrine System, if one gland is taking up too much energy, the other glands can suffer. If there are fertility issues, for example, that could also impact other areas such as sleep and weight management. Some examples of hormonal imbalance include: 

  • Frequent mood swings

  • Trouble sleeping

  • PMS

  • Unpredictable periods

  • Painful periods

  • Food cravings

  • Acne

  • Weak immune function

How can yoga help?

A well-rounded yoga practice can help support the optimal functioning of the Endocrine System. Yoga poses compress and then decompress specific glands in the endocrine system which can regulate their hormonal secretions. Every time you are doing a yoga pose, you are stimulating at least one hormone secreting gland. One way that yoga can help balance hormones is by boosting your body’s production of oxytocin and endorphins. Oxytocin can increase levels of closeness and bonding to those you love. Endorphins can release feelings of happiness and can also manage physical pain. The key is to find a practice that is soothing and relaxing to the system. A practice including yin or restorative poses, breathwork, and singing or chanting can help to elicit the relaxation response in the nervous system which regulates levels of the hormone, cortisol, or the stress hormone. Restorative style yoga can also increase your body’s melatonin production allowing for sleep regulation.

In addition, the practice of yoga turns the attention inward and allows for time for reflection on one’s own lifestyle choices and practices. Situations causing chronic stress, whether that be work, relationships, diet, environmental toxins, or an unbalanced movement schedule for your body can wreak havoc on the hormonal system. Practicing yoga can allow you to tune into the signals your body is giving you so you have space and time to decide what, if any, changes need to be made. 

What are the best practices for hormonal balancing? 

A consistent and well-rounded yoga practice is most beneficial for hormone balancing. For specific hormonal imbalances and issues see an experienced practitioner to design a custom practice for you. Some of the most recommended practices to start with on a journey of hormonal balancing include:

  • Poses that are soothing to the mind and body

  • Yin and restorative practices

  • Soothing breathing practices to regulate the nervous system

  • Working with the chakras

  • Practicing a variety of poses including forward bends, back bends, twists, and inversions

  • Practicing singing or chanting

  • Spend time in nature

  • Clear your time of toxic relationships

  • Eating a balanced diet of optimal food for your constitution

The benefits of improving hormonal health include better sleep, improved mood, decreased anxiety, relieving fatigue, and reducing and managing pain. If you would like to schedule a consultation to work 1:1 with me to find the best practices for your unique lifestyle, click HERE

If you want to jump in to some practices I have two self-paced courses available now.

  1. The first is 10 class pack of yoga classes designed specifically for women’s bodies.

  2. The second is a 2 hour online workshop called Yoga for a Balanced Menstrual cycle.

Find the link to both of those courses HERE.

Next Steps:

I work with women 1:1 for 3 months to teach knowledge and wisdom of women’s hormonal health, alignment with the seasons of the moon, hormonal cycles, and the seasons to live a cyclical and balanced life that you and your family can count on. Learn more about working 1:1 with me.

Mia Tarduno

Hi I’m Mia Tarduno of Move Create Radiate. I teach workshops, classes, and gatherings to educate and guide people through cycles in their bodies and lives.

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