What Is Menstrual Cycle Awareness?
Menstrual Cycle Awareness is the recognition and education of our natural hormonal cycles as women. We can use these cycles to understand our unique patterns in our creativity, productivity, energy levels, libido, and communication styles.
How To Celebrate The Summer Solstice
Happy Solstice! Here are some ideas of how to celebrate.
How Yoga Can Help With Anxiety
We know yoga can be relaxing, but how exactly does it work? Plus a free download of my top 4 poses for anxiety.
How To Make Moon Water
Making moon water is just one of many full moon rituals to connect with the energy of the full moon.
How To Love Your Period
I used to dread getting my period, but after learning menstrual cycle awareness I actually look forward to getting it each month! Let me tell you how.
How To Be A Woman
When do we become women? Often this threshold goes by unnoticed and unacknowledged. The best answer I’ve come up with so far is that we choose. We choose when to take responsibility for our lives and turn our dreams into reality. What does being a woman mean to you?